Sunday, August 10, 2008

Defining Your Reality...Creating Your Happiness

“Life is what you make it” is more than an adage. For it is a fact that your destiny is what you make out of life. It lies largely in your hand. You can create you reality with the power of your mind. More so if your mind draws energy from the Power outside of it. That Power is always available; ready to be tapped, generously.

Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum physicist studied physics in relation to consciousness and said that our consciousness can determine our reality–emotional, physical, etc. Consciousness is the function of the mind. And mind is more than the brain. It is over and above, before and after, the brain. By using the full potentials of the human mind, you can choose to be happy; you can determine your own reality. You can change your life by changing your mind. Your consciousness can reign supreme.

After I was diagnosed with brain tumor (meningioma), I constantly imagine my mind working on my brain and healing it of the alien growth. And I do ask friends, relatives, priests and nuns to join me in doing so. We join our collective consciousness to the source--the All-Powerful Being--the Source of all powers in heaven and on earth to melt the meningioma which grows deep from my dura matter within the hemisphere of my brain. As I wrote earlier, my brain tumor has started shrinking as shown in the second diagnosis done 10 months later.

J. C. Knight, the founder of Ramtha School of Enlightenment–when interviewed by Larry King of CNN–categorically stated that the power of the mind can be harnessed to create your happiness. According to her, you can choose to be happy and remain happy should you choose to; you can be in control of your own emotion by your own consciousness. Fr. Momoy Borromeo, the healing priest who keeps laying his hand on my brain prefers to call it "tanscendence" of our emotion and not control.

Ms. Knight elaborates that the key is to know ourselves well, accept who we are and be happy with it; know our purpose and stick to it. Regardless of what takes place in our surroundings, no matter how difficult people around us turn out to be, nothing and no one can take away our happiness if it is grounded within our own consciousness. No one can cause us miseries, according to her because the outside world will become a reflection of our own state of mind.

Good health, happiness, well-being … are functions of the mind. As the episode in Larry King Live (CNN, 08/10/08) captioned: “Change Your Mind, Change Your Life.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Each and every human soul who incarnates into the physical universe has the intrinsic divinity bestowed by the Supreme Being, unique from all the rest of creation, i.e., the only one created in His own image and likeness.

The common tragedy of ancient civilizations has been the failure of the majority of the soul-incarnates regarding self-recognition. Each and every civilization where the majority of the soul-incarnates failed to recognize their intrinsic divinity ultimately perished and wiped out from the face of Planet Earth. And the process gets to be repeated over and over again across the past millenia to where we are today, right here and now, living out our collective destiny.

The "cause of the problem" is not religion per se, although it is truly the most de-limiting environmental factor/variable that inhibits each and every individual soul-incarnate from attaining true knowledge about intrinsic divinity. The real cause lies within the paradox of incarnation itself. Since the "infinite soul" comes to "reside" within a "physical body", the intrinsic divinity becomes "tainted" with "finiteness". The result can be likened to "temporary memory loss", but which can be regained during incarnation, depending on the "remaining memory implants", or automatically upon termination of the incarnation.

Before any reader gets to be tempted to shrug those "realities" as mere figments of the imagination, it is best to answer this question: Is there anything that humankind "created" on Planet Earth that did NOT come from the human mind, out of all its faculties from logical reasoning to imagination? And there should only be one correct answer: there is NONE. That is the ultimate incontrovertible proof of the intrinsic divinity of each and every human soul, created in the image and likeness of the Creator.

And that is why, one should be careful about what one entertains in one's mind. For whatever you think, you "create" and you get "exactly what you think about". For that is the absolute truth about your own divinity, whether you realize and accept it and live the rest of your incarnation accordingly, or you deny it, and choose to be "bound by the teachings of the other soul-incarnates, who are afflicted by the same temporary memory loss".

Starting today, it is all up to you to choose to regain your own memory-recall of your own divinity. Those who have done so, are at peace with themselves, neither longing before what it was before incarnation nor looking forward to what it has to be after incarnation, but living out the "present" of the "here and now" in order to "experience and express one's divinity" within the physical universe, for that is the only purpose of incarnation.
