Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Bigger the Better

My husband has more than doubled in size during our marriage.
Lately, I have been telling him, “I love more of you but not too much, stop growing in size.

A few days ago, my son, Val, pleasantly jolted me with a very practical—even divine—use for my husband’s physical expansion.

Since Val is no longer living with us, I pray over his pancreas—which has stopped producing insulin—by laying my hands over my husband’s stomach and imagining that I am praying over my son’s. I am doing it for all other intentions and praying for healing. For instance, I ask the Lord for the healing of painful memories of another son or the wounded heart of a friend by touching that portion on my husband’s body.

Val remarked, “Wow, Dad can provide you all the space you need for all your prayers.”

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