Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Building the Kingdom of God Right Here and Now

The Gospel reading today (LK 4:14-23) gives a most specific instruction on how we can build the Kingdom of God right where we are. The Gospel says that Jesus unrolls the scroll and finds where it is written:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to bring liberty to captives and new sight to the blind; to free the oppressed and announce the Lord's year of mercy.

In concrete terms it speaks of how our knowledge of Jesus' teachings and the Spirit of God in us can provide the inspiration and the ability to make a difference in the lives of those closest to us and in most need of our attention.


Anonymous said...

building the kingdom in the here and now. aahh - that is what i call "centereing". below is a prayer on the building of the kingdom:

God, our Father:

Your prophet Isaiah says that the dawn of the Messianic era will come when "the wolf lives with the lamb; the panther lies with the kid; the calf and the lion cub will feed together, with a little boy to lead them."

The birth of Your Son was the fulfillment of this prophecy. Day by day, thereafter, your kingdom is being built.

Whenever we observe Your will, respect Your image in our fellowmen, promote harmony and peace within our sphere of influence (in the here and now), we hasten the completion of Your kingdom.

May our efforts in building Your kingdom, where none are too poor as to be unable to give and none too rich as to be unable to receive, make us burst into song with the psalmist: "behold how good it is and how pleasant when brethren dwell as one."


in the text you quoted (luke 4:14-23) jesus read isaiah's prophecy in the synagogue. after handing the scroll back to the attendant, jesus said: "today this prophecy is fulfilled." his listeners were shocked and furious. what cheek. this son of a carpenter claims to be the messiah. they ganged up on him and wanted to throw him off a cliff. but he walked away unharmed. this jesus must be an aiki practioner. :):):)

so that you do not have to refer to a hard copy of the bible, i am attaching a web-based bible (NIV) for easy access to the WORD.

Anonymous said...

Hi Monk"ey". How do you find building God's kingdom?

I don't usually find it easy. Most of the time, it requires me dying a little to be able to contribute to the construction.

I need to die to my own comfort, to my pride, my desires, even personal plans and ambitions.

It's worth it, I know!

Anonymous said...

monkey, that comment's long enough to be a good post!