Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Betrayal, My Shade of Crucifixion

For long I have been going through battering by all the betrayals I have gone through and am still going through. And this is done to me by people I care— a child, siblings, family—those closest to me.

This kind of experience makes me feel closest to my God, my Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus went through the ultimate betrayal unto the cross by one of His disciples and abetted by Peter who denied Him three times. Through the Cross, I was redeemed.

Through my own slight shade of crucifixion, I can participate in God’s work of redemption. I can be saved, And I can offer it for the salvation of others; first, of those who I love and who have betrayed me, as well as the rest of my brothers and sisters in Christ and those others who need salvation.

As I prayed this morning, below was one sharing which came my way. Like a balm on my soul.

“God chose to reveal the fulfillment of His plans to the childlike because their ignorance made them see with eyes of faith. When you are losing faith because of the troubles that you face, notice the constant signs around you that tell you of God’s presence in your life.

Like little children, let us trust in our Father’s ways”. Nova Arias (Kerygma)

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