Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Love in a Flash

Earlier at around 6:00 in the evening, I was dropping some lines for my third son, Val who is currently in Irving, Texas for his further career training.

I wanted to compose a special Valentine message for a son who was so far away I couldn’t hug him but at the same time was pressured by time to meet my 6: 30 P.M. date with my husband and only daughter, Therese.

Under time pressure, I opened my e-mail thus: “My dearest Valentine,” It just hit me that that could be the most compact and love-filled message I could send my son. All it needed was a hyphen and I reframed it as: “My dearest Val-entine.”

Swiftly and smoothly I was able to send my love to my son in a jiffy and still kept my dates with my daughter and husband on time.

May our jiffy messages on Valentine’s Day last a lifetime!

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